
convert: Rd to Md Workflow


convert is an R6 class for converting Rd files to markdown for use in static site generators. This may be useful if you wish to use non-R web frameworks for generating package documentation or if you want to add you package man files to an existing web project in markdown format. This workflow is optimized for the Gatsby JS theme rocket-docs, but it can be used for as a generic renderer.

To get started, create a new instance of the converter. It is also recommended to convert Rd files into an existing project.

pkg <- rdConvert::convert$new()

Next, configure the convert to fit your project. The argument site_dir is used to define the base path for the static site. It is recommended to create a nested project within your R project. dest_dir is the location that the convert should use to save the markdown files. If you are using RocketDocs, this is src/docs/usage/ (no need to supply the site_dir here).

project_name = "rdConvert",
site_dir = "gatsby",
dest_dir = "src/docs/usage/",
repo_name = "rdConvert",
repo_url = "https://github.com/davidruvolo51/rdConvert"

If site_dir is not present you, config will through a warning. If you are using RocketDocs, you can set the path of the sidebar.yml file via the sidebar_yml_path argument. By default the location is src/config/sidebar.yml. You can adjust the configuration at any point.

Next, create the entry and output points. This will collate all man files and generate the output path using the site_dir and dest_dir arguments defined in by the $config function. If you are using RocketDocs, the sidebar data labels and links are generated automatically.

pkg$set_entries() # build
pkg$entries # view

Once the entry and output points are created, run $set_destinations. This function will verify that all directories in a path exist. If a location does not exist, the folder will be created.


The returned md file may not always be perfect. There may be extra spaces and multiple blank lines. Table layouts may not render appropriately. The function $format_markdown() provides some surface-level formatting for post-converted markdown files.


If you want to generate YAML for the files, use the $add_yaml() function. This function isn't perfect. If you are using RocketDocs it will cause the title to render twice as it was rendered via $convert_rds. I'm still working on this feature.


If you are using RocketDocs, I've included two methods for generating the sidebar.yml. set_sidebar_yml will generate the markup using the $entries object. The yml configuration file can be saved using the $save_sidebar_yml function.


Tips for Success

This workflow isn't perfect, but it will help provide a basic workflow for exporting Rd files for use in non-R web projects. Here are some tips for success.

  • Create static site project first: It is a good idea to create the static site before you convert the Rd files. This will ensure the output paths are initiated before you build the paths.
  • Turn of Markdown support: While experimenting with this workflow, I noticed that roxygen2 was rendering markdown. To display this, use @noMd in your R files or disable it package wide in the DESCRIPTION >> Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE).

During active development, rebuilding Rd files and rerunning the steps outlined above, can be a bit tidious. To make this process a bit easier, run the method $rebuild. This will run devtools::check_man and $convert_rds and $format_markdown. Set set_entries to TRUE if you have the Rd files were added or removed. You can also auto add YAMLs by setting add_yaml to TRUE.

pkg$rebuild(set_entries = TRUE, add_yaml = FALSE)


Convert Rd files to Markdown files



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