
Getting started

Getting started

rdConvert is can be installed from GitHub using the devtools or remotes package.


Getting Node and Gatsby Installed

If using the RocketSeat Gatsby Theme, you will need to install nodejs. Follow the installation instructions on nodejs.org. To confirm the installation, run the following command in the terminal.

node -v

Next, install Gatsby.

npm install -g gatsby-cli

Create a new RocketSeat project inside the current R project. See the RocketSeat GitHub readme for the latest installation instructions.

gatsby new rocket-docs https://github.com/rocketseat/gatsby-starter-rocket-docs

This will create a new Gatsby project inside the folder rocket-docs inside your R project. (You can use any name you like.)

Configuration Tips

For more configuration and customization information, checkout the Rocket Docs Documentation. Specifically, the Shadowing Guide provides information on how to change the homepage, logo, color theme, and much more.

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