rdConvert is an R package for creating a package documentation site using Gatsby JS or your preferred web framework. Included in this package, is a workflow for converting Rd files to markdown using the code documentation started developed by RocketSeat. This theme gives you the essential tools for generating a Gatsby site.
My motiviation for this project was to figure out how to integrated R package files with other web frameworks. I use React and Gatsby for other proejcts and I wanted to see if it was possible to create a Gatsby site from R man files. The idea behind this workflow is:
If you want a well-documented nice looking site, then you must document it in your R files!
This workflow could not be possible without the Rd2md, Rd2roxygen, and roxygen2md packages. Alternatively, you can opt out of Gatsby steps and use it as Rd to Md converter.
Have questions?
If you have questions, feel free to open a new issue on rdConvert GitHub repository. Take a look at the code and files to see how the project should be structured. Checkout the RocketSeat Gatsby Theme GitHub repository for information on customizing the site.