
Learn more about the shinyTutorials site and how to get involved

About shinyTutorials

In my early days of learning shiny, I kept all of my notes on shiny in a single document. It worked nicely at the time, but it soon became too disorganized. I decided to structure my notes into a series of practical examples and make them available for the wider R community. This led to the development of the shiny tutorials site.

Many of the tutorials on this site were created in response to a question, experimentation, or they were developed to test a feature for use in other projects. There isn't a guiding principle for the tutorials, but tutorials tend to revolve around the following topics.

  • Web accessibility and design
  • Data visualization
  • Good design and coding practices
  • Communication of scientific results
  • Building custom applications and components
  • Experimentation with R and Web application frameworks
  • Anything else that I find interesting or seems like a good challenge

Most of the tutorials focus heavily on frontend markup languages (html, css, and javascript), but I will try to keep things simple and provide links for further reading.

Get Involved

All feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome. Feel free to open an issue in one of the two repos related to this project.

  • shinytutorials: this repository is for the development of this site. If you would like to help improve the site or contribute posts, then get in touch with me by opening a new issue there. The site uses Gatsbyjs and all tutorials are written using markdown. See the README for information on how to structure posts.
  • shinyAppTutorials: this repository is for developing and maintaining the example applications discussed on this site. Ideas for new tutorials can be found on the shinyAppTutorials issues page by filtering the labels for Tutorial Ideas.

Another way to get involved is tackling one of the open issues. The following table displays the current status of each repository.

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You can also get in touch with me on twitter @dcruvolo.


This section provides a running list of information about the development of the site.

  • Read Time: Read time calculations are generated using the gastby-remark-reading-time plugin which uses 200 words per minute as the default. Time estimations also account for code blocks.